Heifei SanXiaoKou Area Transportation + Land Use Planning Integration Study

The goal of the Heifei SanXiaoKou Area Transportation and Land Use Plan is to effectively ease the planning area of ​​administrative office space as well as industrial, higher education, and commercial lands. Study areas included existing functional development goals, strengthening the planning areas for ​​commercial, financial and cultural functions, evacuating the population in case of emergency, increasing public space, and enhancing livability. The plan promotes a mixed land-use model, creating a vibrant city block. Pedestrian walkways can be mixed into the development to give people access to jobs, services, retail business, entertainment, and residential places. Public transportation and rail transportation are guiding aspects of the project. The development includes an increase in density and a public transport system in the main areas of workforce planning. 

Project / Address

Heifei SanXiaoKou Area Transportation + Land Use Planning Integration Study
Heifei, China


Staff on this Project

Heifei SanXiaoKou Area Transportation and Land Use Planning Integration Study