Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts

The Henry J. Kaiser Center for the Arts is a historic arena and theatre in the heart of Oakland's Lake Merritt district. Originally constructed in 1914. The building was vacant for more than 10 years, but is currently undergoing a seismic retrofit and renovation.

The Calvin Simmons Theatre will return as a stunning performing arts center, hosting live performances and providing event and practice spaces big and small for local arts organizations. The building’s basement will house music studios, makers’ spaces, and storage space for the Theatre and local arts organizations. 

The Arena space will be mixed commercial, providing consistent access to the former Oakland Auditorium and financial support for the building’s arts and non-profit uses. The Arena will be dotted with local retailers along Lake Merritt, with plentiful outdoor space and beautiful views of the Lake.

Project / Address

Henry J. Kaiser Civic Auditorium
10 Tenth Street
Oakland, CA

Under Construction


Staff on this Project

Kaiser Civic Auditorium | Oakland